Whole food dietary supplement with 30 mg of Zinc (273% Daily Value) from brown rice chelate plus 60mg of Vitamin C and 23 fruits and vegetables, minerals, antioxidants, vitamins and nutrient cofactors.
Best For
Immune system, Skin and eye health, Prostate health
What's in It30mg of zinc, 60mg of Vitamin C
Ingredients of Concern
Purity Tested
Passed tests for lead, mercury arsenic, PCBs, Dioxins
Fantastic USA company with mission to create nutritious supplements from whole foods grown in rich organic non-GMO soil and empower extraordinary health, (recently bought by Nestle.) The number one (1) brand in the natural supplements industry. This US-based Facility with headquarters in West Palm Beach, Florida strives to produce clean, organic, and non-GMO products that boost overall health. Ingredients are grown with sufficient sun, air, water, and time in order to develop power-packed nutritious food supplements.
Plays an important role in brain health and function, sperm production, wound healing, immune function, and vision health. Zinc may help slow age-related macular degeneration, and reduce risk of respiratory infections and colds.
Deficiency in zinc is tied with immune issues such as respiratory illnesses. Zinc can help prevent or reduce symptoms of the common cold. Zinc was shown in a study to slow advanced age-related macular degeneration.